RESIDENT EVIL RESISTANCE (Ambush Annette V.S SWAT Pseudo-Jan? Valerie - Prettyboy v.s Cuteguy)
Battle between Prettyboy V.S Cuteguy lol! Which side is gonna take the victory? In this match, Valerie (cuteguy) is basically a Pseudo January who's doing most of the camera job, he shoot half of my camera and pre-damaged the next camera to further stop my action. (Especially in A2 2nd device!) Total 17 throw weapons was used among the whole team. (As usual, I complained no end during gameplay lol). • only 3 against "Bishonen029" ambush A... Valerie side of the game! It's unfortunately at one point the game was about to GG (right after survivor reached to Security Zombie). Jill probably didn't realized they are with an extremely pro-player cuteguy, so Jill decided to quit. Valerie managed to revert the situation by healing the team, throwing grenades, killing creatures for additional time. Toxic Tyrone GreeDySmiLey69P... well, he's useful beside the fact he was extremely toxic with his spray. He sneaked pass my G-birkin to finish off the last device. January (the real Jan)'s malware also double pressured on my action. A3 first core, I managed to dodge Valerie's attack so he failed to gain survival time for the team; ending the match! GG survivors! GG Cuteguy - definitely a good Camera shooter! If you like my slightly diva commentary and gameplay style, please subscribe me, share my video and click likes! :) Stay tune for more live stream. (I also stream on Twitch: bishonen029) https://store.playstation.com/#!/tid=...