Oyster (Chicken) Garden Salad w/ Hempseed Ranch | Quick Alkaline Meals | Cosmic Cell Foods

Oyster (Chicken) Garden Salad w/ Hempseed Ranch | Quick Alkaline Meals | Cosmic Cell Foods

As a lot of you may know, we discontinued the use of air fryers. The heat that an air fryer radiates, is created through radiation which causes cancer eventually. The air fryers are simply like using a microwave that can actually fry food. On top of the heat being created by radiation, the air fryers give off a high level of acrylamide in the process of frying. Acrylamide is also created when you use heavy oil to deep fry your foods. This is why I wanted to make this video to show that you can still achieve finger lickin’ Alkaline oyster mushroom - mock fried chicken using just a little spray of grapeseed oil! The more we simplify the way we prepare meals, the more our bodies will appreciate it! Unlearn & Relearn! Over time, that’s how they get you slowly but surely! Then when cancer is developed over months/years of using those machines, they’ll say they don’t know where it came from. They get us with convenience. If it seems too convenient, it probably is! Keep it old school but evolved (alkaline mindset)! 🚨🌿Our 100+ ALKALINE RECIPE COOKBOOK CAN BE FOUND HERE: https://tinyurl.com/4k85up2b 🍲 Follow 🌿 ‪@cosmiccellfoods‬ 🌿 for daily Alkaline recipes, Health Vids/Content, Alkaline Products & Services, & Tips For Creating Generational Wealth for the health of the mind, body, & Sōl while on this journey!