Back Pain and Stiffness? | Dr Ed Quirk | Hunt Club Chiropractic | Ottawa Chiropractor #backpain
The reality is that the loss Normal Alignment of the Spine is quite common among individuals seeking treatment for low back pain and related symptoms in our clinic. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked/un-diagnosed/mis-diagnosed by healthcare professionals who may prioritize only symptom relief as subjective outcome measures. Nevertheless, if left unaddressed/uncorrected, this abnormal alignment will continue to degenerate and can contribute to a host of LONG TERM problems associated with the lumbar spine, including: • Low Back Pain • Sciatica, Leg Pain/Numbness/Weakness • Loss of Sensation and Loss of Balance • Chronic Muscle Spasm and Reduced Range of Motion • Disc Bulges and Herniations • Spinal Degeneration and Arthritis • Impaired Mobility • Spinal Stenosis with Nerve Impingement • Poor Posture and Inability to Stand Up Straight Distinguishing Chronic Pain from Injury VS Degeneration Distinguishing between chronic pain due to injury and that due to degeneration can be challenging, as both can result in persistent discomfort. However, there are a few specific characteristics that can help differentiate between the two. When the pain results from an injury, it often has a sudden onset and can typically be linked to a specific incident or activity. This pain is usually localized, severe, and may be accompanied by visible signs of damage such as bruising or swelling. Over time, if the injury is not adequately addressed, the pain may evolve into a more chronic condition. On the other hand, pain due to degeneration is often more gradual, emerging subtly over a prolonged period. This form of discomfort is often associated with aging and is characterized by a gradual decrease in function. For instance, degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease often cause a slow onset of pain, stiffness, or limited mobility. While degenerative pain may be exacerbated by certain activities, it cannot typically be traced back to a single event or injury. STAGES OF DEGENERATIVE DISC DISEASE STAGE 1: DISC DEGENERATION (INITIAL CHANGES) • Disc Dehydration: In the early stage of DDD, the intervertebral discs lose their ability to retain water, causing dehydration. This results in a reduction of disc height and may lead to a decrease in the space between adjacent vertebrae. • Minor Tears and Cracks: The outer layer of the disc, known as the annulus fibrosus, may develop minor tears and cracks. These can contribute to disc instability and the potential for future damage. • Mild Pain and Discomfort: At this stage, individuals may experience mild to moderate back pain, especially after prolonged sitting or physical activity. The pain is often intermittent and can be managed with conservative treatments. STAGE 2: PROLAPSE (BULGING DISC) • Disc Bulging: As the condition progresses, the inner core of the disc (nucleus pulposus) may push against the weakened annulus fibrosus, causing the disc to bulge outward. This can put pressure on adjacent structures, such as nerves and spinal cord. • Increased Pain and Discomfort: Individuals may experience increased and more persistent pain, often radiating into the arms or legs. This is due to the compression of nerves or spinal cord by the bulging disc. STAGE 3: HERNIATION (RUPTURED DISC) • Disc Herniation: In this stage, the outer layer of the disc may develop a tear or rupture, allowing the inner nucleus pulposus to extrude through the annulus fibrosus. This condition is commonly known as a herniated disc or slipped disc. • Severe Pain and Symptoms: Herniated discs can cause severe and often constant pain, as well as other symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness in the areas served by the affected nerves. The extent of these symptoms can vary depending on the location and size of the herniation. STAGE 4: SEVERE DEGENERATION (ADVANCED CHANGES) • Loss of Disc Height: In the advanced stage of DDD, the affected discs may lose a significant amount of height, resulting in a decrease in the space between the vertebrae. • Bone Spurs (Osteophytes): To compensate for the loss of disc height and instability, the body may form bony growths, known as bone spurs, along the edges of the vertebrae. These can further impinge on nerves and spinal structures. • Chronic and Debilitating Pain: At this stage, individuals may experience chronic and debilitating pain, reduced mobility, and limitations in their daily activities. Surgical intervention may be considered for pain management and stabilization. Get Your Spine Checked! #spinepain #backpain #neckpain #spine #spinesurgery #spinehealth #pain #spinesurgeon #painrelief #spinecare #lowerbackpain #backsurgery #physicaltherapy #backpainrelief #healthyspine #chronicpain #spinalsurgery #shoulderpain #healthcare #spinespecialist #kneepain #necksurgery #physiotherapy #spinemobility #jointpain