Day 32 | Fierce Forty: 40-Day Prayer Journey | "Suffer" | I Corinthians 10:13 KJV

Day 32 | Fierce Forty: 40-Day Prayer Journey | "Suffer" | I Corinthians 10:13 KJV

Fierce Forty: 40-Day Prayer Journey. Fierce Forty is a Prayer Journey through the Scriptures. For 40 Days and 40 nights from January 13th to February 22nd we will prepare and consecrate for the year ahead. Day 32 | "Suffer" | I Corinthians 10:13 KJV Prayer Points: 1. Removal of the allure of temptation 2. God’s faithfulness 3. God’s knowledge of our capacity 4. His presence during our tests 5. God’s escape plan for us 6. Strength to stand