विटामिन b12 की कमी दूर करने के उपाय ☘️☘️ #vitamin #vitaminb12 #health
विटामिन बी-12 की कमी का उपाय ☘️☘️ Tag the one who need this ❤️ VITAMIN B12 RICH FOODS ………………………………………. 1. EGG - Eggs are a great source of complete protein and B vitamins, especially B2 and B12. Two large eggs (100 grams) supply about 46% of the DV for vitamin B12, plus 39% of the DV for vitamin B2. Research has shown that egg yolks have higher levels of vitamin B12 than egg whites. The B12 in egg yolks is also easier to absorb. Therefore, it’s recommended to eat whole eggs instead of just their whites. In addition to getting a good dose of vitamin B12, you’ll get a healthy amount of vitamin D. Eggs are one of the few foods that naturally contain it, with 11% of the DV in two large eggs. 2. MILK & DAIRY PRODUCTS :- Milk and other dairy products, such as yogurt and cheese, are great sources of protein and several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12. One cup (240 ml) of whole milk supplies 46% of the DV for vitamin B12. Cheese is also a rich source of vitamin B12. One large slice (22 grams) of Swiss cheese contains about 28% of the DV. Full-fat plain yogurt may also be a decent source. It has even been shown to help improve vitamin B12 status in people who are deficient in this vitamin. Interestingly, studies have found that your body absorbs the vitamin B12 in milk and dairy products better than the vitamin B12 in beef, fish, or eggs. 3. BEETROOT :- Beetroots are a storehouse of vitamin B12. They are also enriched with iron and a host of other essential nutrients. Simply add some beetroot to your salad to enjoy a delicious meal rich in fibre, potassium, manganese, and vitamin C. Desclaimer- This is only fact based and not a medical alternative of anything. Kindly consult with your doctor dietitian or nutritionist before changing your diet, you can msg me also for that. must see the complete desclaimer in highlights🌸 #vitamin #health #youtube #vitaminb12 #vitamins #missherb #homeremedies #shorts #viral