Class 6 History Chapter 9 Life in Villages Towns and the Kingdoms of South and Central India Que Ans
Class 6 History Chapter 9 Life in Villages, Towns and the Kingdoms of South and Central India Question Answer | Getting Ahead in Social Science NEP NCF Orient Blackswan Publications Getting Ahead in Social Science NEP NCF Answer Key Chapters Explanations Video Click Here:- 👇    • 6 Getting Ahead SSC Explanation  Class 6 Social Science All Chapter's Solutions Click Here:- 👇    • 7th Ssc Answer Key  Science All Chapter's Solutions Click Here: - 👇    • Class 6 Science Answer Key  Your Queries: - Orient Blackswan Class 6 Social Science NEP NCF Book Solutions Class 6 Getting Ahead in Social Science Exercises Answer Key Orient Blackswan Class 6th Science Chapter 9 Exercise Solutions Class 6 Getting Ahead in Social Science NEP NCF Exercises Solutions 6th Class Getting Ahead in Social Science Chapter 9 Exercise Solutions Getting Ahead in Social Science NEP NCF Class 6 notes Orient Blackswan New Book Class 6 Social Science Solutions Class 6 Getting Ahead in Social Science New Book Excercise Solutions Getting Ahead in Social Science NEP Exercises Answer Key Getting Ahead in Social Science NEP NCF Question Answer Class 6th History Chapter 9 Exercises Work Complete Solution History Chapter 9 Exercises Work Answer Key Life in Villages, Towns and the Kingdoms of South and Central India Class 6 Question Answer Life in Villages, Towns and the Kingdoms of South and Central India Class 6 In Hindi Thanks to Orient Blackswan Publication Contact me on Telegram... Link👇 https://t.me/CHAINSIR Contact me on Facebook... Link👇   / 103472258461898  Question Included in This Video: - I. Fill in the blanks. 1. Shravasti was the capital of the kingdom of_____ 2. Amaravati was an important centre of_____ 3. The major source of information on the ancient Tamil kingdoms is______ literature. 4. Karikala Chola built the Grand Anicut across the_____ River. 5. The capital of the Satavahana kingdom was_____. II. Multiple choice questions. 1. According to you, which of the following factors would have helped the expansion of agriculture in the Indo-Gangetic Plain between 1000 and 600 BCE? i. The fertile nature of the soil in the Gangetic flood plain ii. The easy availability of water from the rivers for the crops iii. The iron tools and weapons used by the Vedic people to clear the forests and cultivate new areas iv. The thick forests of the Indo-Gangetic Plains a. i, ii, iii b. i, iii c. iii, iv d. i, ii 2. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option: A. The period of the second urbanisation witnessed the growth of several crafts. R. As a result of the increase in agricultural production and the generation of surplus food crops, people now had the time to learn new crafts. Options: a. Both A and Rare true and R is the correct explanation of A. b. Both A and Rare true but R is not the correct explanation of A. c. A is true but Ris false. d. A is false but R is true. 3. A trader engaged in ancient India, who engaged in overseas trade chose to settle in Arikamedu rather than Ujjain. Which of the following factors would have helped him make this decision? a. Arikamedu had a climate well-suited for agriculture. b. Arikamedu was an important port city. c. Arikamedu lay on a major trade route linking north India with south India. d. Trading ships from Ujjain could only travel to western Asia, while from Arikamedu, the trader could trade with south-east Asia as well. 4. Which text from the Sangam Age deals with Tamil grammar? a. Tolkappiam b. Thirukkural c. Pattinappalai d. Manimekalai III. Answer in brief. 1. What was the second urbanisation in India? 2. What was the Sangam Age? Why was it called so? 3. Why do you think traders and craftsmen formed guilds? 4. Who were the Satavahanas? IV. Answer in detail. 1. Describe the different kinds of urban centres during the second urbanisation in ancient India. Give examples for each of them. 2. Agriculture prospered in Tamizhagarn during the Sangam Age, mainly because of the steps taken by the rulers. Do you agree? Support your answer with examples taken from the chapter. 3. Write an account of the reign of the Satavahana kings. V. Map-based question. 1. On an outline map of India, mark the following towns and cities of ancient India: Shravasti, Pataliputra, Ujjain, Pratishthan. 2. On the map, mark the extent of the Chera, Chola, Pandya and Satavahana kingdoms. Mark their capitals and the port towns mentioned in this chapter. #Class6answerkey #NewGettingAhead #chainsir #6std #class6 #cbse #hindi #GettingAheadNEP