SOULFOOD Deep Conditioning Hair Mask from AMIKA on DRY DAMAGED Hair | Before and After Review

SOULFOOD Deep Conditioning Hair Mask from AMIKA on DRY DAMAGED Hair | Before and After Review

My hair has been so dry lately and we also just did a hair color remover, so what better time to try this DEEP CONDITIONING Nourishing hair mask from AMIKA. (I also try their super fruit lightweight oil ) This is good for all hair types, deeply conditions and restores, sealing split ends and improving shine and elasticity. My hair is thick and wavy, damaged, and DRY, so let's give it the ultimate test! If you enjoyed this video please SUBSCRIBE & SHARE ‪@janedoe381‬ for more vivid hair color therapy, hair bleaching, and just getting through the week together!!!!! PRODUCTS: Small commission on amazon tagged products AMIKA SOULFOOD MASK AMIKA SUPERFRUIT OIL CAROLS DAUGHTER HAIR AND SCALP OIL MENTIONED VIDEOS: amika purple mask review    • Purple Hair Mask + RECAP! EVERY HAIR ...   amika the kure repair mask review    • BEST MASK for DAMAGED HAIR!? BEFORE a...   holo prism rainbow hair    • PASTEL HOLO PRISM RAINBOW Hair! Dyein...   BUSINESS INQUIRIES: JANEDOE338811@GMAIL.COM INSTAGRAM: jane.doe381 STAY YOU! STAY TRUE! & MUCH LOVE TO YOU! FTC: SOME PR ALWAYS HONEST NOT SPONSORED small commission on amazon tagged products