[KPOP IN PUBLIC | ONE TAKE] LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) - 'EASY' Dance Cover by Choominne from Taiwan

[KPOP IN PUBLIC | ONE TAKE] LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) - 'EASY' Dance Cover by Choominne from Taiwan

#LE_SSERAFIM #EASY #르세라핌 大家好,我們是Choominne! 「Damn, I really make it look easy.」不論挑戰多麼困難,我們總能輕鬆應對,用實力證明一切。 這次我們帶來了最新的cover,希望能為大家帶來驚喜和感動。每一步的努力,都是為了讓大家看到更好的我們。 如果你喜歡我們的表演,歡迎按讚並訂閱Choominne!未來我們還將帶來更多精彩的cover影片,敬請期待! Hello everyone, we are Choominne! "Damn, I really make it look easy." No matter how challenging it gets, we always handle it with ease and prove ourselves with our skills. This time, we're bringing you our latest cover, hoping to surprise and move you. Every step of our effort is to show you the best of us. If you enjoy our performance, feel free to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to Choominne! We'll be bringing more exciting cover videos in the future, so stay tuned! 🙌Follow us on Instagram!   / choominne_official   🙌Subscribe Now!    / @choominne_official_tw   👟Crew: 김채원 CHAEWON - 劭劭 (  / shao_dancing  ) 허윤진 YUNJIN - JC (  / jc0_0628  ) 👟Special Thanks: 사쿠라 SAKURA - Liu劉 (  / liu___0401  ) 카즈하 KAZUHA - Sandy (  / sandy_lin_1027  ) 홍은채 EUNCHAE - LSY (  / lsy.0525_  ) 🎥Editor&Filmed by: M&L Photographer Team(  / m_l_photo2022  ) 📷Cover Photographer: 杰哥鏡頭工坊(  / jiego_studio  ) Cover Design: 劭劭 #DANCECOVER #kpopinpublic #kpopdancecover #kpopdance #CHAEWON #김채원 #YUNJIN #허윤진 #SAKURA #사쿠라 #KAZUHA #카즈하 #EUNCHAE #홍은채 #dancecovertaiwan #댄스커버 #커버댄스