Friday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Friday, August 18, 2023 8:45am

Friday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Friday, August 18, 2023 8:45am

Friday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time Summarized by #AI #OpenAI #ChatGPT --- Reading 1 (Jos 24:1-13): In the book of Joshua, the Israelites gather to renew their covenant with God at Shechem. Joshua reminds them of their journey from Egypt, the battles they fought, and the lands they inherited. He emphasizes that it was God who led them and gave them victory. The lesson we can learn from this reading is the importance of remembering and acknowledging God's faithfulness in our lives, and the need to remain committed to Him. Responsorial Psalm (Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22, 24): The psalmist praises God for His steadfast love and His mighty works. The psalm recounts the wonders God performed, such as parting the Red Sea and leading the Israelites through the wilderness. It highlights God's provision and protection throughout their journey. The lesson from this psalm is to give thanks to God for His faithfulness, to remember His past acts of love and mercy, and to trust in Him for our present and future needs. Alleluia (1 Thes 2:13): In the first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul commends the people for accepting the word of God, not as human words, but as the word of God. He acknowledges their faithfulness and reminds them that the word of God is at work in those who believe. The lesson here is to receive and embrace the teachings of God's word with an open heart and to allow it to transform our lives, knowing that it comes from God Himself. Gospel (Mt 19:3-12): In the Gospel of Matthew, some Pharisees test Jesus by asking Him about divorce. Jesus reaffirms the sacredness of marriage and God's intention for it to be a lifelong commitment. He teaches that divorce goes against God's plan and that it was allowed in the past due to hardness of heart. Jesus also speaks about the gift of celibacy for those who are able to accept it. The lesson here is the importance of valuing and upholding the sanctity of marriage, as well as the virtue of self-control and the sacrifice of personal desires for the sake of the Kingdom of God. --- Full text at: #Catholic #bible