Aigiri Nandini - Flute Melody Music | Mahishasur Mardini Stotra | महिषासुर मर्दिनी स्तोत्र Flute
Aigiri Nandini - Flute Melody Music | Mahishasur Mardini Stotra | महिषासुर मर्दिनी स्तोत्र Flute The Mahishasura Mardini Stotra is a powerful devotional hymn dedicated to Goddess Durga, who is worshiped in the form of Mahishasura Mardini, the destroyer of the demon Mahishasura. This hymn is traditionally chanted during Navratri and other occasions of worship of the Divine Mother, praising her for her valor, strength, and compassion. Here is a brief version of the Mahishasura Mardini Stotra in Sanskrit along with its meaning: Aigiri Nandini Nandhitha Medhini Vishva Vinodhini Nandanuthe Girivara Vindhya Shirodhi Nivaasini Vishnu Vilaasini Jishnu Nuthe | Bhagavati He Shithi Kanthha Kutumbini Bhoori Kutumbini Bhoori Krite Jaya Jaya He Mahishhaasura Mardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Suthe || 1 || Meaning: Victory to you, O daughter of the mountain! The one who brings joy to the universe, residing in the Vindhya mountains, who pleases Lord Vishnu and is praised by the victorious. O Goddess, who is the family of Lord Shiva, and whose creation is immense! Victory to you, the slayer of Mahishasura, adorned with beautiful hair, daughter of the mountain king! ▶️ In this Music Video contributor Flute: Bishnu Dev @FlutistBishnuDev 🔗💥 Follow Us On : 🎹 Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/search?term=bishnu dev ᯤ Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/7ERcs9TC9EVBGUtwdNmGNn 🏆 RECOMMENDATIONS: ♬Meditation Music: ♬Sleep Music: ♬Relaxing Music : For more detail, Collaboration with, business, inquiry Phone Number : +9779849026914 Email : [email protected] Facebook : / bishnudev Instagram : / bishnu_dev_ #bansuri #classicalmusic #flute #music #melodiousflute #indianclassicalflute #instrumentalmusic #flutemeditation #basuri #spiritual #spirituality #durgapuja #festival #dashainsong #stotram #flutemelody9 #bishnudev #aigirinandini COPYRIGHT © If any part of the audio contained in this channel is downloaded and uploaded to other YouTube, Facebook or other social networks for any other purpose without our permission, strict action will be taken as per the prevailing law. Audio - All rights Safe at ©Flutemelody9