Sniper Ops I - Inferno / Raven Guard Eliminator

Sniper Ops I - Inferno / Raven Guard Eliminator

In this critical Co-op mission, a squad of Ultramarines is entrusted with a vital task: delay the Tyranid swarm long enough to buy Lieutenant Titus and his strike team time to recover the Archmagos Nozick's classified work, codenamed Project Aurora, within the Mechanicus facilities on Kadaku. With Captain Acheran's approval, Lieutenant Titus devises a high-stakes plan to have this second squad detonate a nearby prometheum refinery. As the Tyranids close in, it falls upon this brotherhood of Space Marines to hold the line and fulfill their mission, ensuring Titus' efforts succeed. Will they prevail against the relentless onslaught, or will the flames of Kadaku consume them? Sniper Snipers embody the role of the vigilant marksman within the Adeptus Astartes, specializing in long-range weaponry to deliver devastating firepower from afar. Trained to engage high-value targets, Snipers provide critical intelligence and disrupt enemy formations while remaining elusive. Equipped with Phobos armor, they enjoy enhanced mobility, but this comes at the cost of a reduced Armor Class, making them more vulnerable in direct confrontations. To aid in their survival, they employ the Camo Cloak, a skill that allows them to go invisible and remain concealed for several seconds or until they attack, enabling them to blend into their surroundings and evade detection while repositioning for more advantageous firing angles. As elite warriors dedicated to the Emperor’s cause, Snipers play a vital role on the battlefield, neutralizing threats from a distance and ensuring that the Imperium's enemies are swiftly dealt with before they can pose a significant threat. Campaign tie-in This Co-Op mission fleshes the events that transpire during Operation II: Severance of the main campaign narrative. See below for links to those episodes or follow the links within the video: Episode 4: Exfiltration of Archmagos Nozick of the Adeptus Mechanicus    • Episode 4: Exfiltration of Archmagos ...   Episode 5: The Unseen Havoc    • Episode 5: The Unseen Havoc   ************ #Sniper #Operations #Warhammer40K #SpaceMarine2 #Deathwatch #Ultramarines #Gaming #PCGaming #xboxseriesx #xboxseriesx #playstation #ps5 #4K #60fps #Gameplays #Games #videogames #walkthrough #pve #multiplayer #CoOpGameplay ************