All About Kalanchoe luciae (Succulent Flapjacks)

All About Kalanchoe luciae (Succulent Flapjacks)

In this video and on the Kalanchoe luciae page of my site, you'll learn all about this highly popular red-orange succulent. You'll also meet its multicolored variegate 'Fantastic' and smoldering 'Dragonfire', a tough-yet-gorgeous new cultivar. KEY POINTS: FIND OUT HOW TO... -- Maintain plants' stunning red, orange and burgundy hues.  -- Prevent leaf edges becoming dry and brittle.  -- Provide optimal sun, shade, soil, water, fertilizer, temperature, and humidity. -- Avoid smudging leaves' powdery white coating.   -- Propagate from plantlets and cuttings.  -- Pest control -- Be smart about stalks: To cut or not to cut? If so, when? What if blooms regrow? -- Plus an important caution for pet owners.  For more on Kalanchoe luciae, visit the corresponding page of my site, which includes a 30-photo Design and Idea Gallery: MORE ABOUT KALANCHOES Video: Kalanchoe species and cultivars: 40 varieties for your garden and pots    • Kalanchoe species and cultivars: 40 v...   LEARN MORE: Have a question about anything to do with succulents? Use the Search bar at: ONLINE SUCCULENT SOURCES — Mountain Crest Gardens: BOOKS BY DEBRA LEE BALDWIN — Designing with Succulents (mainly about in-ground gardening), — Succulents Simplified (good overview for beginners), — Succulent Container Gardens, CONNECT WITH DEBRA -- Website: -- Newsletter: -- Online “Stunning Succulent Arrangements” Class: -- Blog: -- YouTube: -- Facebook: @DebraLeeBaldwinOfficial -- Instagram: @debralbaldwin -- Succulent Chic Shop: ABOUT DEBRA Award-winning garden photojournalist and bestselling author Debra Lee Baldwin shares her expertise about “plants that drink responsibly” in print, photos, videos and her “Celebrating the Joy of Succulents” newsletter. Debra is based in Southern California, home to more succulent specialty nurseries and growers than anywhere else in the world. #kalanchoe #kalanchoeplant #succulent #succulentgarden #kalanchoeluciae #garden #gardenscapes #gardeningtips #gardening #gardendesign #gardenideas #succulents_only #succulentsplants #plants #kalanchoes