Rumali Roti on Tawa Easy Recipe | होटल जैसी रूमाली रोटी तवे पर | Chef Sanjyot Keer

Rumali Roti on Tawa Easy Recipe | होटल जैसी रूमाली रोटी तवे पर | Chef Sanjyot Keer

Full written recipe for Tawa Rumali Roti Paneer Tikka Masala -    • Paneer Tikka Masala Restaurant Style ...   Prep time: 10 minutes (excluding dough resting time) Cooking time: 1-2 minutes (for one roti) Serves: 6-7 roti (depending on the roti size) Ingredients: Dough REFINED FLOUR | मैदा 1.5 CUPS WHEAT FLOUR | गेहूं का आटा 1/2 CUP SALT | नमक TO TASTE SUGAR | शक्कर 1 TSP OIL | तेल 1 TBSP MILK | दूध 1 CUP (LUKEWARM) REFINED FLOUR | मैदा AS REQUIRED OIL | तेल Salt water SALT | नमक 2-3 TBSP WATER | पानी 1 CUP Method: In a mixing bowl, add all the ingredients, except milk and mix well, now add milk in batches and combine well, once it becomes like a dough, transfer over the table top, sprinkle some refined flour if the dough is too sticky and knead well for 10-12 minutes using the stretch & fold method. Once the dough becomes smooth & soft, form it into a doughball & place it in a greased bowl, drizzle oil over the surface of the dough, cover it with & damp cloth & let it rest for 2 hours at least. Prepare salt water by just simply mixing salt & water in a bowl. Set a tawa over high heat & let it get extremely hot, make sure you use iron tawa or roti tawa, do not use a non-stick pan. Sprinkle salt water over the tawa once is hot, the water will evaporate instantly leaving behind a coating of salt which will make the tawa nonstick. To make the rumali roti take a portion from the rested dough & form it into a roundel, coat the roundel with refined flour & roll it out into an extremely thin roti, keep dusting refined flour during the process. Place the roti on the hot tawa, rumali roti inly takes a few seconds to cook from each side so flip it after 10-15 seconds. Cook the rumali roti from both the sides until tiny brown spots appear on the surface, once cooked, remove the roti from the tawa. Your super soft & thin rumali roti is ready, you can serve them with any kebabs or curries. #YFL #SanjyotKeer #rumaliroti The Music I use in All my videos - (Best for independent creators) Follow us on all platforms: Facebook - Instagram - Follow my personal handles here: (Chef Sanjyot Keer) Facebook -​​​​​​​​​ Instagram - Twitter - Intro 0:00 Dough 0:54 Tawa preparation 3:36 Shaping 4:26 Plating 7:46 Outro 8:37