Matthew 10:34-35 (MSG); Don't think I've come to make life cozy. I've come to cut-- make a sharp knife-cut between son and father, daughter and mother, bride and mother-in-law--cut through these cozy domestic arrangements and free you for God. There are many things that make some people too busy for God. These may be relationships, jobs, businesses or opportunities that come our way.   There is a man whose only excuse for not attending service is because he is too busy with his new business. It is his baby and as such requires constant parental attention.   There is a woman out there who cannot spend time in the presence of God because her job keeps her too busy. She wakes up too early and returns home too late to give her God a second thought.   Sometimes, when God is pruning us, He separates us from those things that take too much of our time while pushing Him out of our priorities.   The Lord must come first.   Never allow yourself to get too busy for God. Be deliberate about this. Do not build your faith around your schedules. Build your schedules around your faith. If something demands your time, always ask yourself if it comes at the cost of time that must be spent with God or in service to Him.   Your busy schedules did not shed their blood for you; they do not give you life, God does.   His name be praised.   FURTHER STUDY: Jeremiah 29:13, Psalm 119:10   GOLDEN NUGGET: Do not build your faith around your schedules. Build your schedules around your faith. If something demands your time, always ask yourself if it comes at the cost of time that must be spent with God or in service to Him.   PRAYER: Father, I thank You for this word. You have my attention. I put You in front of all that I do because You are all that matters. I refuse anything to stand in the way of my devotion to You. This is the story of my life. In Jesus' name, Amen. #PhanerooDevotion📜 #ApostleGraceLubega #ThisIsStillYourYear #Phaneroo