Anday Wali Seviyan | Egg Vermicelli | انڈوں والی سویاں By Chef’s Kitchenette

Anday Wali Seviyan | Egg Vermicelli | انڈوں والی سویاں By Chef’s Kitchenette

Today learn how to make easy homemade egg vermicelli recipe with simple  ingredients. It is so fast, easy and This is  tasty egg vermicelli recipe. If you are looking for easy and delicious  sweet vermicelli recipe this recipe is for you and your family. Try this tasty egg vermicelli recipe and let us know your feedback in comment box. #andayseviyan#eggvermicelli#partyrecipe Ingredients: Eggs : 3 pc Sugar : 2 tbsp. Ghee : 1 tbsp. Vermicelli  : 1 Pack Ghee : ½  Cup Green Cardamom  : 3 pc Fresh Milk : 250 ml Sugar :  ½ Cup Fresh Cream  : ½  Cup Chopped Almond  : As required For more recipe subscribe my channel and press the bell icon for every new recipes by Chef’s Kitchenette