1-5-2025 - Psalm 95: Today, If You Hear His Voice

1-5-2025 - Psalm 95: Today, If You Hear His Voice

Thank you so much for joining our live stream today, we are so glad that you could make it part of your Sunday schedule. Pastor Mitch teaches on Psalm 95 and asks What did happen at Meribah, and Massah in the wilderness? Our hope is to help you feel connected through worship and that this message helps you through the day and the week. Even though we are distant we are connected in spirit and through prayer. May you have a blessed week and in all that you do give Glory to God! Amen! CONNECT WITH US!: FACEBOOK: / eastglenvillecommunitychurch YOUTUBE: / egcchurch​ SPOTIFY: Sermons: https://open.spotify.com/show/10Gy77g... INSTAGRAM: / ​ WEBSITE: https://www.egcchurch.org/​ ONLINE GIVING: https://www.egcchurch.org/giving/​ EVENTS CALENDAR: https://www.egcchurch.org/event-calen... NEWSLETTER: https://www.egcchurch.org/newsletter/​ SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER https://www.egcchurch.org/subscribe/​ Plus the Memorial Remembrance