Linking मुलाकात जज वकील Argument | By Tansukh Paliwal Sir
यह वीडियो कोर्ट कार्यवाही और कानून को प्रैक्टिकल तरीके se समझने का एक प्रयास है l this video is an effort to understand court proceeding in practical way . Linked Provisons in this video : Section 10 , Specific Relief Act Forged Document ( Section 470 IPC ) Valid Agreement (Section 10 Indian contract act) Written statement ( Order VIII , CPC ) . an engaging and thought-provoking courtroom debate between a Judge and a Vakil (lawyer), presented by Tansukh Paliwal Sir. This intense argument explores legal principles, justice, and ethics, making for a must-watch discussion for law enthusiasts! ⚖️💼 Advocacy Guidance Program : https://linkinglaws.classx.co.in/new-... Judiciary Regular Classes Program https://linkinglaws.classx.co.in/new-... Linking Support Helpline 988 774 6465 🔔 Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more insightful legal content from Tansukh Paliwal Sir! #TansukhPaliwal #JudgeVsVakil #CourtroomDebate #LegalDiscussion #Justice