Service from Sunday 26th January. 2025
Welcome to this service recorded on Sunday 26th January. This week, the churches of Central Exeter, exchange preachers to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. We welcome the Revd Dr Simon Leigh to South St Baptist Church to lead our worship and preach. Simon is a Methodist and minister of our neighbour church, Mint Methodist Church. He speaks on the story of Martha and Mary what this means for our Christian discipleship. The service includes: Welcome Hymn: The Lord's my shepherd Prayers of adoration and confession The Lord's Prayer. A conversation with Revd Dr Simon Leigh. Hymn: Fill thou my life O Lord my God Readings: Psalm 34:1-5 Luke.10:38-42 Teaching: In memory of her Hymn: All I once held dear. Prayers of intercession Hymn: Great is thy faithfulness. Final blessing and dismissal. Our closing music is played by Mary Ellis, one of our organists. To learn more about our church, please visit www.ssbcexeter.co.uk. We meet in Exeter city centre for our services every Sunday at 11 am. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. Details of other activities, including services at Brampford Speke chapel will be found on our website. If you want to be in touch with us, you can leave a message here or at our Facebook page @SouthStBaptist. Contact details are also given our website. If you want to know more about the Christian faith, we suggest you visit https://christianity.org.uk/ or get in touch with us.