Best time to take Vitamins, Minerals and other Supplements|मल्टीविटामिन| Urdu-Hindi
#atruepharmacist Best time to take Vitamins, Minerals and other supplements| मल्टीविटामिन| Urdu-Hindi Multivitamins timing At what time to take multivitamins? Best time to take supplements Multivitamins or other supplements should be taken at what time? When to take vitamins? How and when to take vitamins? Vitamins kb leney chye? Wrong use of vitamin Multivitamins You can take your MVM any time you’d like. Your body absorbs some of its vitamins better with food, so you may want to take it with a meal or a snack. You’ll also avoid the upset stomach that you can get when you take it on an empty stomach. Not a breakfast person? Have it with lunch or even dinner. When to Take Water-Soluble Vitamins Water dissolves them, and your body doesn’t store them, so most must be taken every day. They include C and the B’s: thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid (B9), and cobalamin (B12). Take them with or without food, with one exception: You’ll absorb B12 better with a meal. If you also use vitamin C, put 2 hours between them. Vitamin C can keep your body from using B12. Fat-soluble vitamins Such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, are best taken with a meal or snack that contains fat. The time of day you take them doesn't matter much. However, you should avoid taking them on an empty stomach to prevent an upset stomach. Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in oil, so your body absorbs them better when taken with fat. You don't need a lot of fat, or any saturated fat. Even small amounts of low- or whole-fat milk or yogurt, or food cooked with oil, will do the trick. Probiotics Probiotics are best taken with or just after breakfast, or at a time that's convenient for you. You can take them with a meal or 30 minutes before a meal to help the bacteria survive stomach acid and reach the intestines. You can also take probiotics on an empty stomach. Potassium Benefits Based on Timing: Morning Energy Boost: Taking potassium in the morning helps jumpstart your day, supporting electrolyte balance and energy levels. This ensures optimal hydration and performance, making it an ideal choice for morning workouts or busy days. Nighttime Recovery: Consuming potassium at night can aid muscle recovery and prevent cramps, especially after an active day. It also helps regulate blood pressure, contributing to restful sleep and overall recovery. #atruepharmacist #multivitamins #fatsolublevitamins #watersolublevitamins #vitaminADEK. #probiotics #potassiumsupplements #magnesiumsufplements #EDTA #heavymetalstoxicity