Create Your First Ableton Live Track in 90 Minutes!
Hey there, musical explorers! 🎶 I'm Futch, an Ableton Certified Trainer and your guide on this sonic journey. Ready to craft your first track in Ableton Live? You're in the right place! In less than 90 minutes, you'll go from zero to your very own beat, and I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. Take my FREE Ableton Live course: https://www.levelsmusicproduction.com... 🎧 Step 1: Customize your Ableton workspace for maximum creativity. 🥁 Step 2: Choose the perfect drum kit and lay down a groove that gets heads nodding. 🔊 Step 3: Add a thumping bassline that brings the rhythm to life. 🎹 Step 4: Create a melody with the wave table synth that'll stick in your mind. 🔄 Step 5: Learn the art of looping and arranging to build up your track. 🎚 Step 6: Dive into effects like delays to add depth and texture to your sound. Don't worry if you're new to this; I've got your back! Plus, I won't bog you down with heavy concepts just yet—just follow my lead and have fun. For more detailed guidance, hit up LevelsMusicProduction.com and check out my related training videos. Like what you're hearing? Smash that like button, subscribe, and hit the bell so you won't miss any beats from Levels Music Production. And if you're feeling social, follow me on Instagram @LevelsMusicPro for your daily dose of production magic. Use the hashtags #AbletonLive #MusicProduction to share your masterpiece with the world. And remember, just keep creating! Until next time, keep those tunes flowing, and as always—Peace. CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Introduction to Ableton Live 0:31 - Disabling Help View in Ableton 2:03 - Crafting Your First Drum Beat 21:53 - Adding Bass Line to Your Track 27:30 - Starting a New Ableton Project 35:31 - Incorporating Wavetable Synthesis 37:02 - Applying Delay Effects in Ableton 43:20 - Constructing Drum Patterns 53:40 - Composing Melodies in Ableton 1:00:53 - Exploring Arrangement vs Session Views 1:05:24 - Understanding Linear Arrangement 1:09:00 - Arrangement View Workflow Tips 1:13:31 - Adding New Tracks to Your Song 1:25:10 - Freezing and Flattening MIDI Tracks 1:26:12 - Looping Techniques in Arrangement View 1:30:47 - Exporting Your Finished Track 1:33:10 - Final Thoughts on Ableton Live #ableton #abletonlive #beatmaking #musicproduction #musicproducer #singersongwriter #digitalaudioworkstation #midi #songwriting #learnmusicproduction #musicproductiontutorials #musicproductiontutorial #beatmakingtutorial #musicmakers #makingabeat #electronicmusician #songwriting #writingmusic