This is my Desire/Lord I give you my ❤️ Best Worship songs & Lyrics| #music #jesus #worship #guitar

This is my Desire/Lord I give you my ❤️ Best Worship songs & Lyrics| #music #jesus #worship #guitar

This is my Desire/ Lord I give you my❤️ Best Worship songs All Time with lyrics | #music #jesus #worship #guitar #harmony #jesussong #gospel #gospelmusic #gospelsongs #praiseandworship #jesussong #hillsong #hillsongworship Lyrics This is my desire you to honor you Lord, with all my heart I worship you All I have within me I give You praise All that I adore is in you Lord I give you my heart I give you my soul I live for you alone Every breath that I take Every moment I'm awake Lord have Your way in me