Gottesdienst / Worship Service, August 22nd, 2021 (German & English)

Gottesdienst / Worship Service, August 22nd, 2021 (German & English)

Christliche Gemeinde Tübingen (International Christian Church Tübingen, Germany) The service is German / English and the sermon is with English subtitles. If you would like to read the sermon in German or English, you can find it here: Christliche Gemeinde Tübingen (International Christian Church Tübingen, Germany) The service is German / English and the sermon is with English subtitles. If you would like to read the sermon in German or English, you can find it here: Songs: Ewig treuer Gott / Everlasting God (Brenton Brown, Ken Riley, Arne Kopfermann) Du hast mir so oft neuen Mut gegeben (Jörg Swoboda) Still / Still (Reuben Morgan, Winnie Schweitzer) Du bist die Kraft, die mir oft fehlt / You Are My All In All (Dennis Jenigen, Gerhard Schnitter) Wo ich auch stehe (Albert Frey)