DESCRIPTION This video covers 50 animal idioms in English with their meanings and example sentences. Animal expressions i.e. animal related idioms are used in many situations (most of them don't include animals) for example, ""Let the cat out of the bag!" means to reveal a secret. If you have something in your mind, then’ you have a "bee in the bonnet".Don't worry if you feel like a fish out of water or if you've got butterflies in your stomach . From this video you will learn how to use English animal Idioms /Phrases /expressions? You will Learn all English Idioms, phrases and expressions with Animals. If you can think of any more animal idioms and expressions in English, then please share them below. I would also like to hear if you have any amazing animal idioms in English/Hindi or in your language. Here is a list of common English idioms with meanings and examples included. So, let us open the can of worms and dive into the world of English animal idioms! KEYWORDS Idioms- animal idioms Idioms about animals in English Idiom Series - Animal Idioms Idioms in English to Hindi (Animals) Idioms with animals in English Learn English Idioms - British idioms English idioms and expressions related to ANIMALS English Idiom and Phrase Related to Animal Animal based Idioms (in Hindi) Animal idioms in English Animal idioms in Hindi Animal Idioms & Phrases with meaning in Hindi Animal idioms and expressions in English IDIOMS about ANIMALS in ENGLISH #mmmEnglish #RealEnglish #EnglishTeacher #YouTubeTeacher #EnglishIdioms #AnimalIdioms #EnglishLesson # englishlikeanative VIDEO CHAPTERS 00:30 – Bird Idioms 00:58 - Cock & a bull story 01:20 - A wild goose chase 01:30 -To chicken out 01:52 - A chicken hearted fellow 02:22 - To kill two birds with one stone 02:52 - Goose that lays the golden egg 03:20 – Horse Idioms 03:25 -To horse around 03:45 - To be a dark horse 04:16 – To put the cart before the horse 04:50 - Hold your horses 05: 05 - To flog a dead horse 05 :34 - From the horse’s mouth 06:00. Change horses in midstream 06:20– Cat & Dog idioms 06:24 - To let the cat out of the bag 06:47 - To put the cat among the pigeons 07:28 - Cat on hot bricks 07:44 - Raining cats and dogs 08:10 - Fight like cats and dogs 08 :32 - To let sleeping dogs lie 09 :04 - In the dog house 09:26 - A dog with two tails 09:50 - Every dog has his day 10:07 - Dog in the manger 10:35 Fish Idioms 10:37- To smell fishy 11:03 - To have bigger fish to fry 11:26 - Fish out of water 11:50 - A big fish in a small pond 12:20 - Drinking like a fish 12:45 – Bull Idioms 12:48 - To be bull-headed 13:17 - Catch the bull by the horns 14:00 - Bull in a China shop 14:37 - To hit the bull’s eye 14:55- Showing red rag to the bull 15:24 Wolf Idioms 15:27 - To Cry Wolf 15:50 - Wolf in a sheep’s clothing 16:07 - A lone wolf 16:32 – Mix Idioms 16:37 - To open a can of worms 17:02 - Bee on a bonnet 17:50 - To bug someone 18:15 - Ants in your pants 18:32 -To smell a rat 18:57 - A bear with a sore head 19:14- To shed crocodile tears 19:38 - Cast pearls before swine 20:14 - The straw that broke the camel’s back 21:03 - To be a black sheep 21:30 - When pigs fly 21:45 - A Kangaroo court 22:18 - A red herring 22:50-To have butterflies in your stomach Other Videos in this Playlist: 1.    • Introduction to Idioms, Phrases and P...   : Introductory video on idioms, phrases & Proverbs 2.    • 30 ENGLISH PROVERBS WITH HINDI EQUIVA...   : 30 English proverbs with Hindi equivalents in 15 min 3.    • 30 Interesting English Proverbs in 15...   : 30 interesting English Proverbs in 17 minutes 4.    • 20  Hand & Feet Idioms in 10 minutes ...   : 20 Hand & Feet Idioms in 10 minutes 5.    • 15 EYE & NOSE IDIOMS  IN 6 MINUTES | ...  : 15 Eye & Nose Idioms in 6 minutes 6.    • 10 Happiness Idioms in 8 Minutes (in ...   : 10 happiness idioms in English in 8 minutes 7.    • 25 Head & Heart Idioms in 9 Minutes -...   : 25 Head & Heart Idioms in 9 minutes 8.    • 20 HEALTH IDIOMS  USED IN EVERYDAY LI...   : 20 Health Idioms in English in Everyday Life 9.    • 25 Number Idioms Used in Everyday Lif...   : 25 Number Idioms in English used in Everyday Life 10.    • 30 Weather Idioms in 16 Minutes - IDI...   : 30 Weather Idioms in Everyday Life 12.    • 80 BODY PART IDIOMS IN 30 MINUTES   : 80 Body parts in 30 minutes 13.    • 25 Colour Idioms in English Used in E...   : 25 Colour idioms in English used in Everyday Life 14.    • 10 Important Phrasal Verbs with 'Brin...   : 10 important phrasal verbs with ‘bring’ 15.    • 10 Important Phrasal Verbs with 'Brea...   : 10 important phrasal verbs with ‘break’ 16.    • 15 Important Phrasal Verbs  with 'Put...   : 15 important phrasal verbs with ‘put’ 17.    • 13 Important Phrasal verbs with 'LOOK...   : 13 important phrasal verbs with ‘look’ 18.    • 31 Latin Phrases in English Used in E...  : 31 Latin Phrases in English Used in Everyday Life 19.    • 21 English Idioms & Phrases from Gree...   : 21 English Idioms & Phrases from Greek Mythologies Thanks for watching the video. 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