Psalm 27 (Sarah Kroger)
#psalmschallenge week 10: Seventh Sunday of Easter* Psalm 27: I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living. Sarah Kroger's setting, from Spirit and Psalm.** A Psalm of joyous confidence and hope in the Lord. I love the verse "The Lord is my Light and my Salvation: whom should I fear?" (*I'm in a diocese where Ascension is celebrated on Thursday, not Sunday, so this is my weekend Psalm!) (** Intentionally recorded in a higher key than Sarah Kroger used) A note of good news: public Masses should be resuming in my area next month! (With precautions, of course!) I know I said that my #psalmschallenge was about learning and sharing Psalms while parishes were closed. Well, even when my parish opens back up to the public, I'm going to continue the challenge because I'm really enjoying Spirit and Psalm, and I want to keep learning these Psalm settings! π plus, many parishes across the world are not reopening in the near future, so these Psalms might help people who can't return to church yet.