*Time For A Power Up* WHAT IF? Reaction: 3X08 "What If... What If?" #whatifmarvel #captaincarter

*Time For A Power Up* WHAT IF? Reaction: 3X08 "What If... What If?" #whatifmarvel #captaincarter

Please enjoy my reaction to WHAT IF Season 3, Episode 7. In the series Finale of What If, The Guardians Of The Multiverse face a group of Watchers helping kill them and Uwatu. As they face them they gain uncontrollable power and one of their own makes an honorable sacrifice. Please like and comment on the video and subscribe to the channel. Thanks and enjoy the video. Other Related Content: WHAT IF SERIES REACTIONS:    • WHAT IF SERIES REACTIONS   Marvel Studios’ What If? Season 2 | Official Trailer Reaction/Review:    • Marvel Studios’ What If? Season 2 | O...   Marvel Animation’s What If…? Season 3 | Official Trailer Reaction/ Review | Storm | X-Men | Marvel:    • Marvel Animation’s What If…? Season 3...