SUNDAY MASS in Malayalam | 3rd Sunday of Lent | March 23 | 6.00 AM | OLRC, Maloth
SUNDAY MASS in Malayalam | 2nd Sunday of Lent | March 16 | 6.00 AM | OLRC, MalothEucharistic Celebration, Malayalam, Holy Eucharist in Malayalam, Latin Rite, Catholic Holy Mass, Our Lady of Rosary Church , Maloth Celebrant : Fr. Christopher K L, C.Ss.R. തപസ്സുകാലം : മൂന്നാം ഞായർ Join us for a spiritual Sunday mass in Malayalam, a beautiful and uplifting experience to bring you closer to your faith. This video features a complete Sunday mass in Malayalam, including prayers, hymns, and sermons to help you reflect and connect with your spirituality. Whether you're at home or on-the-go, this video is perfect for those who want to attend a virtual Sunday mass in Malayalam. So sit back, relax, and let the blessings of the Lord be upon you. കുർബാന നിയോഗങ്ങൾക്ക് Contact ചെയ്യുക.|For Mass Intention Contact 👉 :: https://wa.me/8075299758 | or email us 👉[email protected] #OLRC_MALOTH #holymassmalayalam #വിശുദ്ധ_കുർബാന ►Follow us on Facebook👇 # / olrc.maloth ►Subscribe us on Youtube👇 # / ourladyofrosarychurchmaloth #holymassmalayalamtoday #vishudhaqurbana #holymasslive #vishudhaqurbanamalayalam #holymasstoday #holymasstodaymalayalam #holymasstodaymalayalamlive #St_Gregory #holymassmalayalamlatin #vishudhaqurbanamalayalam #HolyMass #olrcmaloth #പരിശുദ്ധ_കുർബാന #HolyMassLive #Malayalamholymass #onlineHolyMass #jesus #bible #holymassmalayalam #SundayHolyMass #MalayalamQurbana #HolyMassLive #SyroMalabarRite #Live #HolyBible #abhishekagni #FrBineeshAugustine #FrBineeshPoonoly #frdanielpoovannathil #frxavierkhanvattayil #elshaddaitv #danielachan #gospel #MissaAntipolensis #onlineHolyMass #frjacobmanjalycomedy #priestviralspeech # Covid19 #OnlineMass #Christianity #frdanielpoovanathilnew #catechism #frdanielpoovannathillatesttalk #hope #srcarmelneelamkavil #SrCarmel #vattiyilachan #frjincecheenkallel #frdominiclatesttalk #FrDavisChiramel #frjacobmanjalyspeech #HolyLight #shekinahtelevision #deliverence #INRI #naveenukken #frnaveenukken #baptist #SehionMinistry #LatinRite #romancatholic #HolyFire #Spiritual #JesusYouth #kerala #Adoration #Power #Soul #frjince #india #FrBineeshAugustinePoonoly #Poonoly #SyroMalabarArchdiocese #LatinMass #SyrianCatholic #Syrian #RCSC #Vatican #HolyBread #Kreupasanam #ChurchNews #ChristianNews #sundayshalom #kl #bibleverses #frjacobmanjaly #idukki #livestreaming #catechismernakulam #DomusCat #YoutubeLiveHolyMass #kottayam #Alappuzha #Cherthala #Hosana #Pattanakkad #Kunnumpuram #HolyBlood #Cher #StAntony #StJohn #StGeorge #StSebastian #OurLadyOfMercy #OurLady #KeralaCatholic #DivineRetreatCentre #Divinetv #The_Transfiguration_of_the_Lord #shekinahtelevisionlive #stmarys #StJoseph #AveMaria #holy_mass_malayalam #OnlineMass #LatinMass #livestreaming #YoutubeLiveHolyMass #OnlineLiveMass #LivemassMalayalm #RedsMedia #LiguoriBhavanMattoor #Redemptorists #CSsR #CSsRKerala #OnlineRetreat #SyroMalabar #വിശുദ്ധ_കുർബാന #SundayHolyMass #LatinQurbana " Please Subscribe & Click on the Bell Icon for Latest Updates "