"When We Were Young" - Young YOU skates to @adele
Korean Figure Skater Young You performs her 2022 Exhibition Number to @adele's "When We Were Young" at the Broadmoor World Arena in June 2022. Filmed by Jordan Cowan of @OnIcePerspectives. Thank you to all our supporters for making On Ice Perspectives possible. Learn how you can support more videos at / oniceperspectives . Contact: http://oniceperspectives.com/contact More On Ice Perspective on the web: Website - http://www.oniceperspectives.com Instagram - '@oniceperspectives' / oniceperspectives TikTok - '@oniceperspectives' / oniceperspectives YouTube - / oniceperspectives Facebook - / oniceperspectives Twitter - '@iceperspectives' / iceperspectives Twitch - / oniceperspectives Patreon - / oniceperspectives #iceskating #figureskating #oniceperspectives #youngyou #whenwewereyoung #isufigureskating #adele