The Words of Christ and the Holy Ghost Will Lead Us to the Truth" By Elder Takashi Wada

The Words of Christ and the Holy Ghost Will Lead Us to the Truth" By Elder Takashi Wada

"The Words of Christ and the Holy Ghost Will Lead Us to the Truth" By Elder Takashi Wada - Of the Seventy October 2024 Sunday Afternoon Session of General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "Knowing this incredible plan will help us know we are children of God and we can become like Him." @ComeUntoChrist @churchofjesuschrist #heavenlyfather #jesuschrist #prophetofgod #prophets #apostles #seventies #presidentofthechurch #firstpresidency #twelveapostles #quorumofthetwelveapostles #presidingbishop #presidingbishopric #presidencyoftheseventy #youngmen #youngmengeneralpresident #youngmengeneralpresidency #youngwomen #youngwomengeneralpresident #youngwomengeneralpresidency #revelation #bookofmormon #bible #doctrineandcovenants #peralofgreatprice #generalconference #generalconferenceoctober2024 #talks #conferencecenter #tabernaclechoir #temple #edertakashiwada #ederwada #takashiwada #knowing #incredible #plan #help #know #children #god #become #like #him