신현근 박사: 자기애성 성격/인격의 치료 기법 3

신현근 박사: 자기애성 성격/인격의 치료 기법 3

The treatment technique of narcissistic patients 3 자기애성 성격/인격의 치료 기법 3 At times it is difficult to imagine how frequent and how repetitive such interactions are, extending as they do over two or three years of analysis; this resistance to treatment illustrates the intensity of the narcissistic patient's need to deny any dependent relationship It is obvious that consistent examination of the negative transference is even more crucial in these patients than in others undergoing psychoanalysis These narcissistic patients persistently seek to devaluate the analytic process, to deny the reality of their own emotional life, and to confirm the fantasy that the analyst is not a person independent from themselves (Kernberg, 1975, p 245) ▶영어 주교재 Kernberg (1975) Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism New York; Jason Aronson Inc ▶한글 주교재 Kernberg, O 지음 윤순임 외 옮김 (2008) 경계선 장애와 병리적 나르시시즘 서울: 학지사 ▶클래스유 - CLASSU: "정신분석적 인간 이해 " 강좌 초대장: