Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Purple Pill Edit - Global House 2020.
Global House celebrates Electronic Dance Music & culture from past and present. Each track featured has its own accompanying video in which the graphics are constantly evolving and becoming more diverse. Well produced music deserves well produced graphics. Global house warm up every Saturday Facebook live on the Gobal House page @ 9PM, then migrate to Mixcloud 10.15PM until Sunday early hours. Every Wedensday evening Global House features a guest from around the planet, be it a segment from their show or a mix. Thank you, respect & enjoy. Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond - Purple Pill Edit - Global House 2020. Progressive House Deep/Melodic Techno Released on Underground Bloom Records 22/08/2020 Purchase & Info here; https://mixupload.com/track/pink-floy... This is a tribute to Syd Barrett, an original member of Pink Floyd - notice the title, Shine On You Crazy Diamond. He was their lead guitarist and wrote most of their early hits, but he gradually went nuts and was kicked out of the band in 1968, three years after the group started. Drugs played a big role in his mental illness. Gilmour came up with four notes that became the basis for this. Roger Waters thought they conveyed emotions Barrett must have been feeling, and wrote lyrics about him. Waters sang lead. He recorded the vocal line by line over and over again, and killed his voice in the process. That's why English folk singer Roy Harper was brought in to sing "Have A Cigar." He was close friend of the band's, as well as Led Zeppelin. On the album Wish You Were Here, this is split into two parts, with "Have A Cigar," "Welcome To The Machine," and "Wish You Were Here" in between. It was going to be continuous, but Waters decided it should be split. Hailing from Tel-Aviv Israel which is well known for it's unstoppable 24/7 underground nightlife, Elkana Paz & Omer Inbar created Purple Pill to share with the world their sounds and production skills that inspired from early in uenced world music and made their own unique sound signature. Video; Enjoymoy. Enjoy. Global House. My house is your house. Celebrating Electronic Dance Music from around the globe. Global House library here; https://mixupload.com?ref=604350 Global House Mixes here; https://www.mixcloud.com/globalhouse/ Global House Facebook Page here; / global-house. . Global House Tracks here; / enjoymoy Youtube videos here; / @global_house Danger! Do not click the following link; / @global_house Global House is a channel celebrating Electronic Dance Music & culture from past and present. Each track featured has its own accompanying video with constantly improving graphics. Only right that well produced music should be accompanied with well produced graphics. After all a lot of time and effort goes into the music, so it's only fitting that visually it looks amazing too. All tracks are for promotional purposes only. Would like your track to be featured enhanced with the global House Brand and latest graphics to accompany your tracks? Would you like to be a guest on the Wedensday night feature? Email all tracks, demos & mixes including relevant information i.e. genre, name of track etc here; [email protected] Extended/full mixes are preferred and wholeheartedly appreciated. Thank you. Electronic dance music, also known as dance music, club music or simply dance, is a broad range of percussive electronic music genres made largely for nightclubs, raves and festivals. This upload is for promotional purposes only and I do not hold any distribution rights for this song. Please support the artist by buying the song or using the social media links to follow them. If you are the copyright owner and would like me to remove this song, then please email me at [email protected] and I will remove this upload within 24 hours. Thank you. #myhouseisyourhouse #globalhouse #enjoymoy