Write 10 lines essay on my favorite personality my father in Urdu #urdu #father #essay #2024

Write 10 lines essay on my favorite personality my father in Urdu #urdu #father #essay #2024

Write an essay on patriotism. Patriotism means love for one's country. This love is not created by any artificial methods, but it is already deeply rooted in our heart." Patriotism is an instinct which comes to us from the moment we are born. There are some, who think that patriotism is a narrow-minded sentiment, and a sign of a semi- civilised state of mind. A man loves the whole universe and considers all people of the world as his brethren. This idea of universal brotherhood makes every man a citizen of the world and not of his narrow world, known as his country. We should not be narrow-minded patriots. Love of one's country should not and does not mean hatred of the rest of the world. It is a false patriotism which makes us hate other countries. True patriotism is based on unselfish love for our country and our respect for its history and culture. It makes us great and teaches us to love mankind as one family, created by one God and governed by the laws of one universe. . idioms and phrases with meanings part 1    • 50 idioms and phrases || Useful idiom...   idioms with meanings part 2    • Part 02 || Idioms and phrases || TOP ...   idioms with meanings part 3    • Part 03 || Top 100 Idioms with meanin...   idioms with meaning part 4    • Part 04 || Top 100+ idioms || idioms ...   write a short essay on sui gas.    • Write an easy essay on Summer Season ...   مضمون ہمیں ازادی کی قدر کرنی چاہیے ۔۔    • Write an Essay on Value of independen...   مضمون موسم گرما کی تعطیلات    • موسم گرما کی تعطیلات پر مضمون || Summ...   مضمون انفارمیشن ٹیکنالوجی    • مضمون لکھیں انفارمیشن ٹیکنالوجی پر مض...   Write a short essay uses and misuses of mobile phones and internet.    • Uses of mobile phones || Internet use...   Advantages and disadvantages of Internet    • Advantages and Disadvantages of Inter...   write a short essay on singing my hobby    • Write a essay for (singing is my hobby)   my hobby singing    • write a essay  MY HOBBY SINGING.   Write a brief essay on singing my hobby    • write a briefly essay on my hobby sin...   Write a essay on my favorite subject    • how to write essay evs is my favourit...   عنوان میری پسندیدہ کتاب    • عنوان میری پسندیدہ کتاب قرآن مجید.   write an essay on myself    • write a essay [My Self] for 20 lines   write an essay on my favorite teacher    • Write a essay #My Favourite Teacher   عنوان لیلۃ القدر    • Write essay on laila-tul-qadar ||Shab...   Write a brief essay on my family picnic    • Write an essay on MY FAMILY PICNIC   #essay #patriotism #english #englishgrammar #learning #languagelearning #frequency #daily #easy #easyenglish #special #speaking #speakenglish #speakingenglish #listening #writing