Ivy, acacia and wild grapes - we cleaned up the garden for free

Ivy, acacia and wild grapes - we cleaned up the garden for free

We visited the XVII district again, this time at Aunt Zsuzsa's, who needed help since the acacia, ivy, and wild grape had overgrown in her garden. Since she can't maintain it alone and has no help whatsoever, we decided to tidy up her garden for free as well. Although the garden was small, unfortunately, we encountered many obstacles, starting from the garden faucet to the gravelly ground, but fortunately, we were able to tackle everything. We spread beautiful pine bark mulch over the weedy area, making Aunt Zsuzsa's garden a bit more organized, allowing her to move around in it properly. Thank you for watching the video, for sharing it, and of course, we greatly appreciate all comments. Our website will be ready soon, where you can also access the videos and read more about us and what happened in the garden. Update! Our website is also ready soon available in English: https://rendberakok.hu/    / @rendberakók   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Our supporting partner in the container is Szabó Konténer: https://szabokontener.hu/ #garden #free #tidy #tidyup #gardening #acacia #ivy Videók linkjei:    • Odamentünk és rendbe raktuk Klári nén...   - Klári néni, az első videónk    • Ingyen raktuk rendbe Éva néni kertjét...   - Éva néni és a trabant    • Razzia a 18. kerületben - Ingyen rakt...   - Random segítség a környéken    • Ez is ingyen volt! - Enikő kertjét ra...   - Enikő és a vadszőlő    • Akác, borostyán, vadszőlő - Zsuzsa né...   - Zsuzsa néni és az akácrengeteg    • Kis segítség is segítség - Ingyen fűn...   - Éva néni és a fűnyírás    • Ingyen segítség a rászorulóknak - Rip...   - Riport az NLC vel