FAITH: The Unholy Trinity - Full Game + Secret Bosses and Endings
FAITH: The Unholy Trinity is a pixel horror game inspired by the "Satanic Panic" of the 1980s. We play as a priest name John Ward investigating a satanic cult led by the totally normal human Gary Miller and working to bring about the Profane Sabbath. Can we stop them from summoning the Unspeakable? Is a shotgun the best tool in a priest's arsenal? Exactly which flavor of chocolate is our cross? What we are about to do is not sanctioned by the Vatican. This is the game in its entirety including all secret bosses and endings. ___ Join our Discord server!: / discord New lets play videos daily!: / basickabyl ___ #basickabyl #faith #faithgame #faiththeunholytrinity #retrogaming #rotoscope #satanicpanic #demons #cultists #devil #religion #priest #unholy #trinity #pixel #fullgame #fullgameplay