Worship: John Gray Memorial Church (September 26, 2021) Cayman Islands. Greatness Redefined!

Worship: John Gray Memorial Church (September 26, 2021) Cayman Islands. Greatness Redefined!

How would you define Greatness? Hear how Jesus redefined it in Mark 9:30-37! Virtual Sunday Worship for John Gray Memorial Church in West Bay, Grand Cayman. A Congregation of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (UCJCI). If you would like to receive JGMC communications (like our monthly newsletter and weekly services), please sign up at http://eepurl.com/hlOSif​​ Preacher: Rev Louis Sully Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE to our page! We would love to hear from you! Call (345) 949-1378 or email [email protected]