Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Xbox 360) Gameplay - Part 6

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Xbox 360) Gameplay - Part 6

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (Xbox 360) Gameplay - Part 6 It's a team-up as Titus of the Ultramarines meets up with a small group of Blood Ravens on a bridge. Once past the Bridge, Titus is transported to near the top of the remains of the Orbital Spire to take the fight to the Nemeroth and his demonic forces. Titus dies and dies and dies until it was time to go get my kid from school. If you watch carefully, you can see how ridiculously long it took me to realize that I had a jet-pack on. I'm an idiot, I swear... I'm playing on an Xbox 360 and on Normal difficulty. Overall within this playthrough I die a lot more than I would have liked. The Emperor will be so ashamed of me. Gameplay video Walkthrough video video game Xbox 360 gameplay video retro gameplay retro shooter gameplay retro Warhammer 40,000 gameplay vintage Warhammer 40k video game retro Warhammer 40k video game Space Marine walkthrough Space Marine playthrough video game nostalgia