15 Amazing Facts || मानव शरीर से जुड़ी कुछ रोचक बातें || Human Body Facts

15 Amazing Facts || मानव शरीर से जुड़ी कुछ रोचक बातें || Human Body Facts

Well come to my Youtube channel Dear Gashu.This channel is all about education. Through this platform you will find videos related to biology, medical science, health tips,some interesting facts etc. Whether you're a student in high school, college or you're just trying to learn something new, my videos are designed to help you succeed.Hope you will find my videos informative and fruitful. So,subscribe my channel and press the bell icon to get notified. Here are some amazing facts about the human body: Heart The heart is the only muscle that never tires. It beats 115,220 times a day, pumping about 2,000 gallons of blood. The heart also provides oxygen and nutrients to the body's 60 trillion cells. Brain The brain is one of the body's fattest organs, comprising 60% fat. It also generates about 23 watts of power when awake and receives 20% of the body's blood and oxygen. The brain is incredibly complex, containing around 100 billion neurons. Bones Babies are born with 300 bones, but these fuse together during growth to form the 206 bones in an adult. Jaw The jaw is the body's strongest muscle. Its hinge-like features create more power when you bite down. Fingernails Fingernails grow two to three times faster than toenails. A fingernail replaces itself in about six months, while a toenail takes a year. Laughing Laughing can have the same effects on your body as jogging. It boosts your heart rate and increases the amount of oxygen in your blood. Follow me on https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Instagram:👇https://instagram.com/mudasir_rashid_... Youtube:👉    / @deargashu   My Second Youtube channel :👉   / @arraheemthemerciful   #facts #amazingfacts #amazing #fact #factsvideo #humanbody #humanbodyfacts #deargashu