ASMR Sugar Cookie Marshmallow Treats! EASY Recipe Idea! ✨#shorts #dessert #cooking #easter

ASMR Sugar Cookie Marshmallow Treats! EASY Recipe Idea! ✨#shorts #dessert #cooking #easter

Sugar Cookie Marshmallow Treats 😍 A recipe that’s only three ingredients and all deliciousness! Video by @healthfulradiance Recipe: ✨Crush 1 cup of LesserEvil Sugar Cookie Popcorn into a mostly-crushed powder and transfer to a bowl. ✨On a stovetop pan, melt 1/2 stick of butter, then add in 1 cup of mini marshmallows. Stir consistently over low heat until the marshmallows have melted completely into a fluff (for about 3 minutes). Immediately add the crushed popcorn and whisk through until completely coated. ✨Add the mixture to a parchment paper lined loaf pan and place in the freezer to harden (about 30 minutes) ✨Once set, slice (or roll into balls) and enjoy! #easterdessert #healthyrecipe #healthyfood #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipe #keto #ketorecipes #mealprep #mealplanning #easyrecipe #quickrecipe #snackideas #healthysnacks #cookingtips #Verified #Easter #BunnyBark #treats #snacks #glutenfree #Chex #pretzels #EasterM&Ms #m&m#sprinkles #whitechocolate #coconutoil #Easterbasket #individualbags #LesserEvilSnacks #SugarCookiePopcorn #kidslunchrecipe #lunchideas #cheese #ShortsVideo #ShortsContent #ShortsTrend #YouTubeShorts #ShortsChallenge #asmt #asmrcooking #ShortsCreator #ShortsCommunity #ShortsViral #TrendingShorts