Resident Evil Village Part 04 LOOK FOR ROSE IN THE CASTLE
Once you open the castle gate, head through and across the bridge. Continue through the tunnel and into a wine cellar. Interact with the switch next to the gate. It doesn’t go well. Well, now you’re running for your life. Follow the only tunnel you have. Take the first left and kick through the boards. Keep running straight. After the cutscene, look for another set of breakable boards and duck through. Follow the tunnel up. In the next open area, there are two crates. Ignore them, and turn left. There’s a tiny alcove in the back left corner. Squeeze in there. Duck under the spinning death spikes and go collect the lei and handgun ammo from the smashed crates. Follow the hallway out until you get back to the switch that started this whole thing. Go through the doors and out to the Vineyard. VINEYARD, DUKE THE MERCHANT Take a right into the Vineyard, and grab the herb from the middle row of vines. From that herb, look northwest. At the top of the hill, you’ll meet the Duke, a weapons, ammo, and items merchant. Feel free to sell anything with “(Valuable)” in the description — like the two crystal fragments you found earlier. Your best bet right now, depending on how much lei you have (we had just shy of 7,000 lei), is a power upgrade to your pistol. Stock up on whatever else you need, and then continue along the path. You’ll pass through the Carriage Gate and into Castle Dimitrescu. ENTRANCE HALL In the Entrance Hall, climb the stairs and break the vase on your left for some handgun ammo. Pass the door on the left, and check the table for a file — the castle’s Guest Book. On the right side, smash the glass on the cabinet to find some gunpowder. Go through the door on the right (east) side to find a machinery room.