The Power of Unborn Child 〜今解き放たれる赤ちゃんの力〜 #人間学 #parenting #mind #humanity #育児 #心理学 #胎内心理学
Dr. Verny日本語スクリプトが必要な場合は、 下記のリンクもしくは LINEからお問い合わせください。 https://forms.gle/Xfx6YCShSGCdqdbL9 Hitomi 語学 I テクノロジー I マーケティング I 教育を通じて 『次世代を考察』し 人生を自分で創るヒントを発信🕊️🫧 またセミナーなどの 最新情報はこちらから随時配信中💌 https://lin.ee/PRoCl7lE IDは「 @690evijx 」🌼 #胎内心理学 #潜在意識 #育児 #テレパシー #次世代 🕊お志事やコラボのご連絡先 [email protected] In this episode with Dr. Thomas Verny, 00:00:00 Dr. Thomas Verney イントロ 00:06:14 What is the baby thinking during labor? 出産中の赤ちゃんの思い 00:07:53 Caesarean section 帝王切開について 00:13:37 The caesarean section and its impact on the child 帝王切開の影響 00:21:38 How to regain a memory 記憶を取り戻す方法 00:22:59 Be truthful with your child 子供に正直であること 00:23:43 Is telepathy real? テレパシーは本当ですか? 00:26:56 How to speak to your baby in utero 胎内の赤ちゃんと話す方法 00:32:56 Prenatal memory in Japan 日本における胎児の記憶 00:41:24 What is the best childbirth? 最良の出産方法 Dr. Thomas Verny Bio Dr. Thomas R. Verny, a distinguished psychiatrist and accomplished writer, has made significant contributions to prenatal and perinatal psychology. Teaching at prestigious institutions such as Harvard University, University of Toronto, York University, and St. Mary’s University, his journey began with the 1974 publication of "Inside Groups" and the subsequent international bestseller "The Secret Life of the Unborn Child" in 1981, co-authored with John Kelly. As the founder and former president of APPPAH, his groundbreaking work explores the impact of early experiences on personality development. With influential books like "Pre-Parenting" and "The Embodied Mind" (2021), Dr. Verny is a leading authority recognized globally for his expertise. 🐦 Follow Dr. Verny here : Dr. Verny's Website : trvernymd.com Dr. Verny's YouTube : / @drthomasrverny Dr. Verny's Book on Amazon : The Secret Life of the Unborn Child: How You Can Prepare Your Baby for a Happy, Healthy Life 『胎児は見ている』 https://www.amazon.co.jp/Secret-Life-... 💡 DISCLAIMER : This channel is for entertainment & educational purposes only and does not give advice.