Vegetable pulao in pressure cooker | cooker pulao | rice in cooker | easy iftar recipe | veg pulav

Vegetable pulao in pressure cooker | cooker pulao | rice in cooker | easy iftar recipe | veg pulav

Recipe of veg pulao in pressure cooker, veg pulao recipe, how to make pulao in Pressure Cooker, कुकर में झटपट बनाये बेहतरीन पुलाव, Veg Pulav, Veg Pulaw, Pressure Cooker Pulao recipe Recipe of veg pulao in pressure cooker, veg pulao recipe, how to make pulao in Pressure Cooker, कुकर में झटपट बनाये बेहतरीन पुलाव, Veg Pulav, Veg Pulaw, Pressure Cooker Pulao recipeVeg Pulao in Pressure Cooker, ज्यादा सब्जियों वाला वेज पुलाव कुकर में, प्रेशर कुकर में झटपट और स्वादिस्ट पुलाव #vegpulao #vegetables #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #health #vegetarian #rice #ricerecipe #simplerice #food #recipe #cooking #indianfood #daily #dailyfood #foodvlog #recipevlog #favorite #favoritefood #desifood #desidish #desi #villagefood #villagelife #simplerecipe #iftar #iftarrecipe #easyrecipe #easyiftarrecipes #snacks #roza #sehri #iftarfood #sehrifood #ramadan #ramadanfood #eid #eidspecial #eidspecialrecipe #eidmubarak