Holy  Eucharist | Daily Holy Mass @ 6.15am,  Wed 23rd August 2023, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road.

Holy Eucharist | Daily Holy Mass @ 6.15am, Wed 23rd August 2023, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road.

Holy Eucharist Holy Mass @ 6.15am, Wednesday 23rd August 2023 St. Joseph Church, Mira Road. Wednesday of the 20th week in Ordinary Time Year 1. Feast Memoria of St. Rose of Lima Begins with Mass Intentions & Angelus at 6.11 am and then the Holy Eucharist at 6.15 am followed by Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. During this mass, we pray for the following intentions:- For the souls of:- Lobo family, Thomas D’Costa, Philomena Fernandes, Fredrick Gomes, Allwyn D’Souza, Leena & Louis Fernandes, Hilarian Vaz, Unborn child, Anthony Peter DeSilva, Olinda DeSilva. Thanksgiving Mass:- To Holy Family by Olinda & Neri family. Birthday’s:- Sebastian D’Souza, Violet D’Souza