1 POTATO! They're so delicious that I make them for dinner every weekend! No oven

1 POTATO! They're so delicious that I make them for dinner every weekend! No oven

1 POTATO! They're so delicious that I make them for dinner every weekend! No oven 00:00 #Recipe Ingredients: 3 Potatoes 1 Onion 1 Carrot Oil 1 Egg 1 tbsp Flour 2 tbsp Parmesan Black Pepper Salt Chili powder Parsley Toasted flour 02:51 #saladrecipe ingredients: Cucumber Soy sauce Rice vinegar Olive oil Sugar Sesame seeds #potatoomelette #eggomelette #potatochips #potatorecipe #breakfastrecipe #saladrecipe #cucumber #potatopancakerecipe #potatosnacks #potatopancake #potatocake __________________________________________ ⭕️Your opinion of my recipe’s is very important to me.please tell me your opinion about this recipe in comments.⭕️ If you like this video please subscribe my channel✅:    / @simplechefsecrets1   __________________________________________ 🗝️Unlock the secrets of easy home cooking 🗝️ Kochen zu Hause einfache Rezepte müheloses Kochen köstliche Mahlzeiten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen zeitsparend zugängliche Rezepte Anfängerfreundlich Kochtipps Geschmackvolle Gerichte kulinarische Geheimnisse leichte Küche inspirierende Rezepte unvergessliche Mahlzeiten Genussvolles Kochen einfache Kochgeheimniss