Idiopathic facial nerve paralysis (Bell's Palsy) in the dog
In today’s video, we're diving into idiopathic facial nerve paralysis, also known as Bell's palsy, in dogs. Using Molly, a gorgeous poodle, as an example we will be covering everything from how this condition typically presents and what clinical signs to watch out for, to conducting an effective neurological examination that gives us essential clues for diagnosis and importantly ruling out central (i.e. brain) causes. We’ll also discuss the differential diagnosis, highlighting how to distinguish facial nerve paralysis from other cranial nerve disorders, and take a look at the MRI features commonly associated with this disorder. Finally, we’ll go over the options for managing idiopathic facial nerve paralysis in dogs and what you can expect in terms of prognosis. If you’re a vet, veterinary student, or dog owner interested in canine neurology, this is the video for you. #IdiopathicFacialNerveParalysis #BellsPalsyInDogs #CanineNeurology #DogHealth #VeterinaryMedicine #DogDiagnosis #Poodle #NeurologicalExamination #VetLife #DogClinicalSigns #FacialNerveParalysis #MRIinDogs #DogCranialNerveDisorders #VeterinaryNeurology #VetStudents #VetTips #PetHealth #DogCare