ASMR 크림 가득 크로와상 시간을 들이다/ 초코크림, 녹차크림, 우유크림/ CREAM CROISSANT クリームクロワッサン
Hello Here is my asmr channel I really like asmr video and eating So i am gonna try to start it now with you Let’s take a relex with me:) And thank you for watching and visiting my channel I hope you guys meet see you again Please comment , subscribe and like my channel #ASMRFOOD #FOODIE #FOODIEASMR #FOODASMR #CRUNCHY #NOTALKING #EATINGSOUNDS #EATINGSHOW #MUKBANGASMR #MUKBANGKOREA #YUMMY #YUMMYFOOD #MAKAN #LAPERBAPER #CRISPY #SATISFYINGASMR #ASMRSATISFYING #먹방 #먹방유튜버 #리얼사운드 #MAKANMAKAN *for business and any comment plz email me : hsg1992@naver com *instagram :