Porridge Pot Granola
PORRIDGE POT GRANOLA (Episode 112) I’m the Snack Hacker, demonstrating fast, easy, innovative ideas for tasty bites. You buy these little porridge pots with the intention of using them when you stay overnight in a hotel, but after being seduced by the hotel breakfast buffet you find them in your suitcase when you return home. What to do with them? What about some granola? Here’s how. INGREDIENTS: 1 porridge pot (try different flavours) 2 tbsp oil (I used cold pressed rapeseed oil - lovely flavour and looks amazingly yellow) 2 tbsp maple syrup (or honey) 1 handful salted peanuts pinch more salt 1 scant handful sultanas (optional) METHOD: Mix everything together in the porridge pot. Spread it out on a baking tray or frying pan and bake at 170ºC for about 17-18 minutes, giving it a rough break-up halfway through, but compressing it back together. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes to solidify. Break it up into rubble, add the sultanas if using, pour it back into the pot and enjoy with a splash of milk or yoghurt, or both. For other recipes and lots more please GET MY COOKBOOK. It's called THE SNACK HACKER and it's out in June but you can preorder it from all the usual places. It's going to be amazing I promise you. And remember you can watch all my videos on Instagram too, although they're cropped because of the whole portrait thing over there. And please SHARE, SAVE, COMMENT and FOLLOW. It really helps. #snackhacker #porridge #porridgepot #granola #hack #hacks