Leishmaniasis | Animation Video | Infectious Medicine | V-Learning™ | sqadia.com

Leishmaniasis | Animation Video | Infectious Medicine | V-Learning™ | sqadia.com

Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by parasites of the Leishmania specie which is transmitted by the bite of infected female phlebotomine sand-flies. ---------------------------------------- Infectious Medicine Lectures Collection - https://www.sqadia.com/categories/med... ---------------------------------------- The sand-flies inject metacyclic promastigotes in the infective stage and either invade macrophages or are phagocytosed. They undergo transformation into amastigotes and replicate. ---------------------------------------- Watch medical animations on sqadia.com - https://www.sqadia.com/categories/sqa... ---------------------------------------- These sand-flies get infected with macrophages invaded with amastigotes. Upon ingestion, amastigotes transmute into procyclic promastigotes which are then mitotically converted into metacyclic promastigotes. These then migrate to pharyngeal valves and transferred into healthy individuals. ---------------------------------------- 5500+ Medical Videos Try for FREE! - https://www.sqadia.com/categories/free ---------------------------------------- #InternalMedicine #med #medicalresident #medicine #medicines #futurenurse #icunurse #nurse #nurses #nurselife #nursestudent #nursing #nursingschool #residency #residentdoctor #Pathology #pathologyclass #sqadiacom #microbiologylab #microbiologyart #bacteriology #microbiologyclass #bacteria #bacterialcell #bacterialinfection #bacterialmats #bacterialgrowth #bacterialinfections #bacteriaovergrowth