Dublin Coddle - Cooking an Irish one-pot stew

Dublin Coddle - Cooking an Irish one-pot stew

Global Food Trip 2 - Ireland 1.2 00:00 - Intro 00:25 - Last video 00:34 - Prep the meat! 01:53 - Potato time 02:54 - Into the pot 04:08 - Cooking and end result Dublin Coddle is a rustic meat and potato stew from Ireland. And I am trying to make it as part of a Global Food Trip. This idea is basically a trip around the world through food and an adventure trying to make it. I'm no professional, so lets see how it goes. This stew is made from potatoes, Irish bacon (rashers) and bangers (sausages). I strayed from standards a little bit, and it probably shows. Here are my original inspirations: https://www.irishamericanmom.com/dubl... https://houseofnasheats.com/dublin-co... Original music by me.