12min STAPLE TRICEP home dumbbell workout (AMAZING burn with any weights)

12min STAPLE TRICEP home dumbbell workout (AMAZING burn with any weights)

Join me for this 12min Staple tricep home dumbbell workout. The 5th video in our new staple set series What is great with these staple sets , is the insane dumbbell workout you can get with any weights. So as you hopefully now know how are Staple sets work. We have our 3 workout stations, Heavy , moderate and light Our staple exercises is always performed on the heavy station and we keep coming back to it between each other exercise Our staple exercise today will be the Overhead tricep press Spliced with a number of other triceps exercises in between. This one is going to burn as those triceps burn out fast So once again , grab your dumbbells and let's do this... 👉 Grab up your FREE 5 Day Dumbbell workout series right here https://zeusfitness.com/5freeworkouts ✅ + Includes a Free Zeus High protein Nutrition & recipe pack with over 50 delicious recipes - yes 50 🤯) --------------------------------------------------------------- 👉 Also don't miss your own 14 day risk free trial of Zeus Plus+ ( https://zeusfitness.com/zeusplus ) ✅ Try out and access EVERY premium Zeus Program (Including Shred , Shred 2 Evolution , Beast, Burn (Resistance band edition) , Burn (Dumbbell Edition), PumpT , Lift , Hybrid , Absolution , Xpress & more ✅ Mini challenges & bonus workouts ✅ Members Zoom call catch ups, Q&A's, live workouts & more with myself ✅ Even more Recipe & nutrition packs ✅ Access through the Zeus App ✅ All future premium programs ✅ and much , much more ——————————————— Hey , why not give it a try for at least the next 2 weeks, get fit , get healthy No risk, all reward and a ton of fun Join up and take advantage of the trial above I'll hopefully see you on the inside. Grant