Praise and Worship Service | Sunday Morning (03/16/2025) | IBAS Praise
► Grace and Peace! ► Check out our Online Schedule: — Sunday: 08:00 | 18:30 — Wednesday: 20:00 — Saturday: 19:00 ► Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: instagram.com/aneldeselar Facebook: facebook.com/batistaaneldeselar ► You can deliver your tithes and offerings by bank transfer or by bringing them in person during the services and also from 14:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Bank Details for Igreja Batista Anel de Selar: Bank: Itaú Ag: 3038 Account: 30920 - 3 CNPJ: 06.880.500/0001-41 ► For more information, contact our secretary by phone: (31) 3657-4629 or by WhatsApp (31)99595-5329. https://bento.me/aneldeselar