10 Strangest Married Couples You Won't Believe Exist!
Please subscribe to this channel, thank you very much! 10 Strangest Married Couples You Won't Believe Exist! by . OUTLINE: 00:00:00 Love is in the Air (and it's gotten WEIRD) 00:00:25 May December? More Like May-Thirty Years From Now 00:01:50 Tying the Knot, and the Branch, and the Leaves... 00:02:40 Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Something COMPLETELY Submerged 00:03:33 Me, Myself, and I Do 00:05:14 Til Death... Or a Creepy Ghost... Do Us Part 00:05:53 Love is in the Air, Literally 00:06:32 Love in Aisle 5 00:07:16 Love at First Bite 00:08:50 A Love Story for the Books... and the Souvenir Cups! 00:09:29 Taking the Plunge, Literally 00:10:16 That's All, Folks!